
Aerospace Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Lab

The establishment of AeroMDO Lab actually dates back to the founding of the Multidisciplinary Optimization Group by Prof. Nikbay in 2006. AeroMDO Lab officially opened in the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2019. Our current research interests mainly focus on a number of disciplines and techniques: Aeroelasticity, Aerodynamics, Sonic Boom Minimization, Reduced Order Modeling, MDO, UQ, and Deep Learning.


Developing Capabilities

AeroMDO Team aims to train highly qualified researchers ambitious for the core values such as being a pioneer and society-oriented. We work hard to convert scientific knowledge into the leading aerospace & defense technology with academic, industrial, national, and international collaborations.

Developing Tools and Methods

By focusing on needs-based advanced knowledge, we develop and integrate cutting-edge tools in the field of computational aerodynamics, structural mechanics and acoustics, with the aid of multidisciplinary optimization techniques for robust design solutions.


We thrive as we spread our research outcomes and accomplishments originating from our university lab to the world, collaborate with industry & public sectors and international institutions, and publish in prestigious journals and proceedings.


Current Projects

Implementation of Multi-Fidelity Models and Neural Architecture Search for Deep and Convolutional Neural Networks

GE Global Services Gmbh UK Branch funding program

  • Director: Melike Nikbay

2022 - 2023 (On-going)

Development of Convolutional Neural Network Based Predictive Modeling Code

GE Global Services Gmbh UK Branch funding program

  • Director: Melike Nikbay

Feb 2022 - Aug 2022

Development of Multifidelity and Multidisciplinary Methodologies Integrating Sonic Boom, Aeroelasticity and Propulsion System for Supersonic Aircraft Design

TUBITAK 1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program

  • ITU AeroMDO Lab

2019 - 2022

Multi-Fidelity and Multi-Objective Methodology Development

GE Global Services Gmbh UK Branch funding program

  • Director: Melike Nikbay

2021 - 2022

Development of a Nonlinear Sonic Boom Prediction Software

ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

  • Director: Melike Nikbay

2020 - 2022 (On-going)

Aeroelastic Optimization of Non-Planar Wings under Gust Loads

ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

  • Director: Melike Nikbay

2021 - 2022 (On-going)

Application of Multidisciplinary and Multi-fidelity Optimization Techniques for Supersonic Aircraft

ITU - BAP-Scientific Research Program

  • Director: Melike Nikbay

2019 - 2021

AVT-SP-002 Turbulence And The Aerodynamic Optimisation of Nonplanar Lifting Systems

NATO STO Support Program

  • Collaboration of Istanbul Technical University (TUR) and University of Glasgow (GBR)
  • Collaborating with Prof.Dr. Konstantinos Kontis

2018 - 2022 (On-going)

Research Areas

1Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is a field that exploits optimization techniques and a number of disciplines, which aim to solve design problems optimally. MDO allows all relevant disciplines to be incorporated simultaneously. The simultaneous problem approach provides better solutions than optimizing each discipline sequentially. However, it is obvious that including all disciplines simultaneously will significantly boost the complexity of the problem.
Aeroelasticity is the term that denotes the field of study concerned with the interaction between the deformation of an elastic structure in an airstream and the resulting aerodynamic force. The study of aeroelasticity generally deals with two fields: static aeroelasticity associated with the steady-state response of an elastic body to a fluid flow, and the body's dynamic (typically vibrational) response called dynamic aeroelasticity.
One of the current requirements from civil aeronautical transportation is the development of supersonic transport that is both feasible in economic terms and also acceptable from an environmental standpoint. A sonic boom is the pressure disturbance felt on the ground, caused by the shock waves propagating from the aircraft through the atmosphere. Accordingly, sonic boom signature prediction is a primary criterion for low-boom commercial supersonic aircraft design.

Uncertainty Quantification

Reliability and robustness requirements of aerospace engineering systems are of major importance and need to be assessed accurately and efficiently during the early phases of the design process to ameliorate the certification tasks mandatory for the final design. Numerical assessment of the reliability and robustness of a system is possible with uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods that input the effect of uncertain variables to propagate them to the overall system performance.

Reduced Order Modeling

  • Reduced order modeling (ROM) is a technique that is usually thought of as an inexpensive mathematical representation that reduces the computational complexity in numerical simulations while offering the potential for near real-time analysis.
  • Since reducing the space dimension or degrees of freedom for the mathematical models of real-life processes, ROMs can deal with challenges due to the complexity and large dimension when used in numerical simulations.
  • ROMs become more and more popular in the aerospace industry to meet market demands that are related to shorter design cycles that produce higher quality products.
  • Multifidelity Analysis

    Multifidelity approaches to design and analysis for complex systems include both low- and high-fidelity data so as to maximize the accuracy of model estimations while minimizing the cost computationally.

    The application areas of these methods can be listed as wing-design optimization, robotic learning, even recently being extended to human-in-the-loop simulation.

    • Low-fidelity data can be sometimes utilized when no having an adequate amount of high-fidelity data available to train the model. Using low-fidelity data provides inexpensive solutions to build up the model, so it is possible to make use of larger amounts of data. However, the limitation of the low-fidelity approach compared to high-fidelity is that it may not be used for predicting real-time analysis.
    • An obvious limitation of utilizing high-fidelity data is that the data are expensive computationally, which may limit the amount of data that can be used.

    Machine Learning (Deep Learning)

    Deep learning is an important subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) that imitates the way humans gain certain types of knowledge and is inspired by the function of the brain called artificial neural networks.

  • Learning can be unsupervised, supervised or semi-supervised.


    Events & Posts

    Upcoming & Past Events

    AeroMDO Team

    Current Members


    Prof. Dr. Melike Nikbay

    Principal Investigator


    Dr. Bulent Tutkun

    Research Assistant


    Yusuf Demiroglu

    Research Assistant


    Sihmehmet Yildiz

    Research Assistant


    Huseyin Emre Tekaslan

    Graduate Researcher


    Enes Cakmak

    Graduate Researcher


    Emre Kara

    Graduate Researcher


    Dilan Kilic

    Research Assistant

    Part-Time Members


    Hayriye Pehlivan Solak

    Post-Doctoral Researcher


    Rumed Imrak

    Graduate Researcher


    Berkay Pirlepeli

    Graduate Researcher


    Active Collaborations

    Our continuous goal is to establish and develop Public-University-Industry collaborations by employing both national and international funding resources.


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